package PIDE_examples import isabelle._ import scala.actors.Actor._ object Ex { object Theory_Session { def apply( logic: String = "", imports: List[String] = List("Main"), verbose: Boolean = false): Theory_Session = { Isabelle_System.init() val logic1 = if (logic != null && logic != "") logic else Isabelle_System.getenv_strict("ISABELLE_LOGIC") new Theory_Session(logic1, imports, verbose) } } class Theory_Session private(logic: String, imports: List[String], verbose: Boolean) extends Session() { override val output_delay = Time.seconds(0.01) override val prune_size = 1 // number of old document versions to retain /* theory node */ private val theory_name = "Theory" private val node_name = { val id = Document.new_id().toString val path = Thy_Header.thy_path(Path.root + Path.basic("dummy" + id) + Path.basic(theory_name)) Document.Node.Name(path) } private val header_text: String = "theory " + quote(theory_name) + " imports " +" ") + " begin\n" private val header: Document.Node_Header = Exn.Res( private val perspective = Text.Perspective(List(Text.Range(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE))) /* main actor */ private case object Get_Startup private case object Get_Theory private val main_actor = actor { var startup_result: Option[Exn.Result[Unit]] = None var theory_result: Option[Exn.Result[Unit]] = None loop { react { case message: Isabelle_Process.Message => System.err.println(message.toString) case phase: Session.Phase => phase match { case Session.Failed => startup_result = Some(Exn.Exn(ERROR("Failed to start Isabelle process:\n" + syslog))) case Session.Ready => startup_result = Some(Exn.Res(())) case Session.Shutdown => // FIXME case _ => } case _: Session.Commands_Changed => if (!theory_result.isDefined) { val snapshot = this.snapshot(node_name, Nil) if (!snapshot.is_outdated) { snapshot.node.commands.find( == "theory").map(snapshot.command_state) match { case None => case Some(state) => val err = (for ((_, t) <- state.results.iterator; if Isar_Document.is_error(t)) yield Pretty.string_of(List(t))).mkString("\n") Isar_Document.command_status(state.status) match { case Isar_Document.Finished => theory_result = Some(if (err == "") Exn.Res(()) else Exn.Exn(ERROR(err))) case Isar_Document.Failed => theory_result = Some(Exn.Exn(ERROR(err))) case _ => } } } } case Get_Startup if startup_result.isDefined => reply(startup_result.get) case Get_Theory if theory_result.isDefined => reply(theory_result.get) case bad if startup_result.isDefined && theory_result.isDefined => System.err.println("main_actor: ignoring bad message " + bad) } } } /* init */ if (verbose) raw_messages += main_actor phase_changed += main_actor commands_changed += main_actor start(List(logic)) Exn.release((main_actor !? Get_Startup).asInstanceOf[Exn.Result[Unit]]) init_node(node_name, header, perspective, header_text) Exn.release((main_actor !? Get_Theory).asInstanceOf[Exn.Result[Unit]]) } }