theory TestAsmRewrite imports Main begin ML{* fun mk_funT t t' = (Type ("fun", [t, t'])); fun mk_prop t = (Const ("HOL.Trueprop", mk_funT HOLogic.boolT Term.propT)) $ t; fun mk_imp s t = Const ("Pure.imp", mk_funT Term.propT (mk_funT Term.propT Term.propT)) $ s $ t; fun change_type (Free (x, _)) typ = Free (x, typ) fun is_tuple (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $ _ $ _) = true | is_tuple _ = false; fun zip l1 l2 = case l1 of [] => (case l2 of [] => []) | h::t => case l2 of h1::t1 => (h,h1)::(zip t t1); fun distribute_types (trm, typ) = if (is_tuple trm) then HOLogic.mk_tuple ( distribute_types (zip (HOLogic.strip_tuple trm) (HOLogic.strip_tupleT typ))) else change_type trm typ; *} definition "Test_Pair \ ((\ (x::'a::{numeral,ord}, y, z::'b) . x + y < 10), (\ (x::'a, y, z::'b::numeral) . (if x + y < 10 then z else z + 1) + 2))" ML{* val T = @{typ "'a \ 'b"}; val ctxt = @{context}; val pair_a = @{term "((\ (x::'a::{numeral,ord}, y, z::'b) . x + y < 10), (\ (x::'a, y, z::'b::numeral) . (if x + y < 10 then z else z + 1) + 2))"}; val pair_b = Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of ( @{thm Test_Pair_def})); fun simp_pair pair = let val _ $ prec $ func = pair; val input_type = fst (dest_funT (type_of prec)) val ouput_type = snd (dest_funT (type_of func)) val aux_var = (Free("Aux_Var", ouput_type)); val vars = @{term "(u,v,w)"}; val input_vars = distribute_types (vars, input_type); val prec_simp = Simplifier.rewrite ctxt (Thm.cterm_of ctxt (prec $ input_vars)); val T1 = Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of prec_simp); val T2 = HOLogic.mk_eq(aux_var, func $ input_vars); val T3 = mk_imp (mk_prop T1) (mk_prop T2) val simp_pair_th = Simplifier.asm_rewrite ctxt (Thm.cterm_of ctxt T3); in simp_pair_th end val simp_a_th = simp_pair pair_a; val simp_b_th = simp_pair pair_b; *} end