theory Test_Input imports Main keywords "Input_Test" :: thy_decl begin ML \ datatype probably_empty = Empty of term * string | Term of term structure Data = Theory_Data ( type T = probably_empty option; val empty = NONE; fun merge _ = NONE; ); val set_data = Data.put o SOME; fun the_data thy = case Data.get thy of NONE => Term @{term empty} | SOME probably_empty => probably_empty; fun is_empty_dummy "[__=__, __=__]" = true | is_empty_dummy _ = false fun split_descriptor_dummy str = (implode (take 9 (Symbol.explode str)), implode (drop 10 (Symbol.explode str))) (*test*)val ("Constants", "[__=__, __=__]") = split_descriptor_dummy "Constants [__=__, __=__]"; fun parse_term thy (str, pos) = let val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy val (descr, arg) = split_descriptor_dummy str in if is_empty_dummy arg then Empty (Syntax.read_term ctxt descr handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ pos), arg) else Term (Syntax.read_term ctxt str handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ pos)) end val _ = Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\Input_Test\ "Malformed YXML: unbalanced element \"inpu\"" ((Parse.position Parse.term) >> (fn (str, pos) => Toplevel.theory (fn thy => let val store = parse_term thy (str, pos) in set_data store thy end) )) \ Input_Test \Constants [__=__, __=__]\ Input_Test \Constants [r = 7]\ ML \ (*/---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------\*) val thy = @{theory} val (str, pos) = ("Constants [__=__, __=__]", Position.none) (*\---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------/*) val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy val (descr, arg) = split_descriptor_dummy str; (*if*) is_empty_dummy arg (*true*); (*test*)val Empty (Free ("Constants", _), "[__=__, __=__]") = Empty (Syntax.read_term ctxt descr, arg) \ end