$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/makarius/isabelle destination directory: isabelle requesting all changes adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 50993 changesets with 131780 changes to 9165 files updating to branch default 2913 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ cd isabelle $ ./bin/isabelle components -I Initializing "/home/matthew/.isabelle/etc/settings" $ ./bin/isabelle components -a $ ./bin/isabelle jedit -l HOL ### Building graph browser ... warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.4 Note: GraphBrowser/GraphBrowser.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. 1 warning ### Building Isabelle/Scala ... error: while compiling: term_xml.scala during phase: jvm library version: version 2.10.0 compiler version: version 2.10.0 reconstructed args: -target:jvm-1.5 -nowarn -d classes last tree to typer: Literal(Constant(Tuple2)) symbol: null symbol definition: null tpe: Class(classOf[scala.Tuple2]) symbol owners: context owners: object Term_XML$Decode -> package isabelle == Enclosing template or block == Template( // val : in object Term_XML$Decode, tree.tpe=isabelle.Term_XML$Decode.type "java.lang.Object" // parents ValDef( private "_" ) // 5 statements ValDef( // private[this] val sort: Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode private "sort " // tree.tpe=Function1 ) DefDef( // val sort(): Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode "sort" [] List(Nil) // tree.tpe=Function1 Term_XML$Decode.this."sort " // private[this] val sort: Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1 ) DefDef( // def typ(): Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode "typ" [] List(Nil) // tree.tpe=Function1 Apply( // def variant(fs: List): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1 "isabelle"."XML$Decode"."variant" // def variant(fs: List): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=(fs: List)Function1 Apply( // override def apply(xs: Seq): List in object List, tree.tpe=List immutable.this."List"."apply" // override def apply(xs: Seq): List in object List, tree.tpe=(xs: Seq)List Apply( // implicit def wrapRefArray(xs: Array[Object]): collection.mutable.WrappedArray in class LowPriorityImplicits, tree.tpe=collection.mutable.WrappedArray scala.this."Predef"."wrapRefArray" // implicit def wrapRefArray(xs: Array[Object]): collection.mutable.WrappedArray in class LowPriorityImplicits, tree.tpe=(xs: Array[Object])collection.mutable.WrappedArray Apply( // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=Array[Object] TypeApply( // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=()Array[Object] Array[Function2]{{ (new anonymous class anonfun$typ$4(): Function2) }, { (new anonymous class anonfun$typ$5(): Function2) }, { (new anonymous class anonfun$typ$6(): Function2) }}."$asInstanceOf" // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=[T0 >: ? <: ?]()T0 // tree.tpe=Array[Object] ) Nil ) ) ) ) ) DefDef( // def term(): Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode "term" [] List(Nil) // tree.tpe=Function1 Apply( // def variant(fs: List): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1 "isabelle"."XML$Decode"."variant" // def variant(fs: List): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=(fs: List)Function1 Apply( // override def apply(xs: Seq): List in object List, tree.tpe=List immutable.this."List"."apply" // override def apply(xs: Seq): List in object List, tree.tpe=(xs: Seq)List Apply( // implicit def wrapRefArray(xs: Array[Object]): collection.mutable.WrappedArray in class LowPriorityImplicits, tree.tpe=collection.mutable.WrappedArray scala.this."Predef"."wrapRefArray" // implicit def wrapRefArray(xs: Array[Object]): collection.mutable.WrappedArray in class LowPriorityImplicits, tree.tpe=(xs: Array[Object])collection.mutable.WrappedArray Apply( // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=Array[Object] TypeApply( // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=()Array[Object] Array[Function2]{{ (new anonymous class anonfun$term$7(): Function2) }, { (new anonymous class anonfun$term$8(): Function2) }, { (new anonymous class anonfun$term$9(): Function2) }, { (new anonymous class anonfun$term$10(): Function2) }, { (new anonymous class anonfun$term$11(): Function2) }, { (new anonymous class anonfun$term$12(): Function2) }}."$asInstanceOf" // final def $asInstanceOf[T0 >: ? <: ?](): T0 in class Object, tree.tpe=[T0 >: ? <: ?]()T0 // tree.tpe=Array[Object] ) Nil ) ) ) ) ) DefDef( // def (): isabelle.Term_XML$Decode.type in object Term_XML$Decode "" [] List(Nil) // tree.tpe=isabelle.Term_XML$Decode.type Block( // tree.tpe=Unit // 2 statements Apply( // def (): Object in class Object, tree.tpe=Object Term_XML$Decode.super."" // def (): Object in class Object, tree.tpe=()Object Nil ) Assign( // tree.tpe=Unit Term_XML$Decode.this."sort " // private[this] val sort: Function1 in object Term_XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1 Apply( // def list(f: Function1): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1 "isabelle"."XML$Decode"."list" // def list(f: Function1): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=(f: Function1)Function1 Apply( // val string(): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=Function1 "isabelle"."XML$Decode"."string" // val string(): Function1 in object XML$Decode, tree.tpe=()Function1 Nil ) ) ) () ) ) ) == Expanded type of tree == ConstantType(value = Constant(Tuple2)) uncaught exception during compilation: java.io.IOException error: File name too long two errors found Failed to compile sources ### Building Isabelle/Graphview ... src/graph_panel.scala:22: error: not found: object XML make_tooltip: (JComponent, Int, Int, XML.Body) => String) ^ src/model.scala:40: error: not found: value XML sealed case class Info(name: String, content: XML.Body) ^ src/model.scala:57: error: not found: value XML val decode_graph: XML.Decode.T[Graph] = ^ src/graphview.scala:34: error: not found: value cat_lines case _ => error("Bad arguments:\n" + cat_lines(args)) ^ src/main_panel.scala:35: error: not found: value XML def make_tooltip(parent: JComponent, x: Int, y: Int, body: XML.Body): String = ^ error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Pretty.class refers to term XML in package isabelle which is not available. It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Pretty.class. error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Pretty.class refers to term XML in package isabelle which is not available. It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Pretty.class. src/model.scala:44: error: not found: value XML val decode_info: XML.Decode.T[Info] = (body: XML.Body) => ^ src/model.scala:44: error: not found: value XML val decode_info: XML.Decode.T[Info] = (body: XML.Body) => ^ src/model.scala:46: error: not found: value XML import XML.Decode._ ^ src/model.scala:48: error: not found: value pair val (name, content) = pair(string, x => x)(body) ^ src/model.scala:49: error: type mismatch; found : Any required: String Info(name, content) ^ error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Graph.class refers to term XML in package isabelle which is not available. It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Graph.class. error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Graph.class refers to term Decode in value isabelle.XML which is not available. It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Graph.class. error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Graph.class refers to term Decode in value isabelle.XML which is not available. It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Graph.class. error: bad symbolic reference. A signature in Graph.class refers to term XML in package isabelle which is not available. It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling Graph.class. src/model.scala:58: error: not found: value XML isabelle.Graph.decode(XML.Decode.string, decode_info) ^ src/mutator_event.scala:31: error: not found: value Swing_Thread def += (r: Receiver) { Swing_Thread.require(); receivers += r } ^ src/mutator_event.scala:32: error: not found: value Swing_Thread def -= (r: Receiver) { Swing_Thread.require(); receivers -= r } ^ src/mutator_event.scala:33: error: not found: value Swing_Thread def event(x: Message) { Swing_Thread.require(); receivers.foreach(r => r(x)) } ^ 20 errors found Failed to compile sources