(*DOC*)theory iS(*DOC*) imports Main begin section{* FROM: Isabelle2012/etc/symbols *} subsection{* NOTE: Use a backslash before the "<" in each command. *} --"However, in jEdit, if you simply start typing what's between '<' and '>', the command completion will kick in." --"Set the SideKick option 'After popup trigger keystroke, wait (seconds)' to determine how fast the popup windowd pops up." subsection{* 0-9 *} text{* ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* mathcal *} text{* ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\..... ...\...... ...\...... ...\



...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* mathfrak *} text{* ...\...... ...\..... ...\...... ...\

...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\..... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\..... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\
...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\....... ...\....... ...\...... ...\....... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* Greek *} text{* ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: % ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* Blackboard Bold *} text{* ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* Arrows, Etc. *} text{* ...\..... ...\.... ...\..... abbrev: -> ...\.... abbrev: --> ...\..... ...\.... ...\..... abbrev: => ...\.... abbrev: ==> ...\..... ...\.... abbrev: <-> ...\..... ...\.... abbrev: <=> ...\..... abbrev: |-> ...\.... abbrev: |--> ...\...... ...\...... ...\..... ...\..... ...\..... ...\..... ...\..... ...\..... ...\..... ...\..... abbrev: ~> ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* Delimiters *} text{* ...\...... abbrev: <. ...\...... abbrev: .> ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: (| ...\...... abbrev: |) ...\...... abbrev: [| ...\...... abbrev: |] ...\...... abbrev: {. ...\...... abbrev: .} ...\...... abbrev: << ...\...... abbrev: >> *} subsection{* Logic, Etc. *} text{* ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: /\, & ...\...... abbrev: !! ...\...... abbrev: \/, | ...\..... abbrev: ?? ...\...... abbrev: !, ALL ...\...... abbrev: ?, EX ...\...... abbrev: ~? ...\...... abbrev: ~ ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: |- ...\..... abbrev: |= ...\...... abbrev: ||- ...\..... abbrev: ||= ...\...... abbrev: -| *} subsection{* Relations, Etc. *} text{* ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: <= ...\...... abbrev: >= ...\..... ...\..... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* Sets *} text{* ...\...... abbrev: : ...\...... abbrev: ~: ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: (= ...\...... abbrev: =) ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: [= ...\...... abbrev: =] ...\...... abbrev: Int ...\...... abbrev: Inter ...\...... abbrev: Un ...\...... abbrev: Union ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* Relations, Etc. *} text{* ...\...... abbrev: ~= ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: == ...\..... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: || *} subsection{* Operators, Etc. *} text{* ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\
...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... abbrev: +o ...\..... abbrev: +O ...\...... abbrev: *o ...\..... abbrev: *O ...\...... abbrev: .o ...\..... abbrev: .O ...\...... abbrev: -o ...\...... abbrev: /o ...\..... abbrev: ... ...\..... ...\..... abbrev: SUM ...\..... abbrev: PROD ...\..... ...\..... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* Symbols, Etc. *} text{* ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\
...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\....... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... *} subsection{* Subscripts & Superscripts *} text{* ...\<^sub>.......<^sub> abbrev: =_ ...\<^sup>.......<^sup> abbrev: =^ ...\<^isub>.......<^isub> abbrev: -_ ...\<^isup>.......<^isup> abbrev: -^ ...\<^bsub>......<^bsub> abbrev: =_( ...\<^esub>......<^esub> abbrev: =_) ...\<^bsup>......<^bsup> abbrev: =^( ...\<^esup>......<^esup> abbrev: =^) ...\<^bold>.......<^bold> abbrev: -. *} section{* OPERATOR PRIORITY: 2012 HOL *} --{* 02ho = src/HOL.thy *} --{* PRIORITY FILE-LINE WHY INTRODUCED __01__ *}--{*----------------------------------- =simp=...................[prop, prop] => prop..........................02ho 1843 (infixr "=simp=>" 1) definition __05__ *}--{*----------------------------------- Trueprop.................bool => prop..................................02ho 0067 ("(_)" 5) judgment If.......................bool => 'a => 'a => 'a........................02ho 0189 ("(if (_)/ then (_)/ else (_))" [0, 0, 10] 10) definition __10__ *}--{*----------------------------------- _bind....................[pttrn, 'a] => letbind........................02ho 0129 ("(2_ =/ _)" 10) syntax _case_syntax.............['a, cases_syn] => 'b.........................02ho 0136 ("(case _ of/ _)" 10) syntax _case1...................['a, 'b] => case_syn..........................02ho 0137 ("(2_ =>/ _)" 10) syntax 02ho 0141 ("(2_ \/ _)" 10) xsymbols _Let.....................[letbinds, 'a] => 'a..........................02ho 0132 ("(let (_)/ in (_))" [0, 10] 10) syntax _The.....................[pttrn, bool] => 'a...........................02ho 0119 ("(3THE _./ _)" [0, 10] 10) syntax All......................('a => bool) => bool..........................02ho 0082 (binder "ALL " 10) consts 02ho 0144 (binder "\" 10) xsymbols 02ho 0149 (binder "\" 10) HTML 02ho 0154 (binder "! " 10) HOL Ex.......................('a => bool) => bool..........................02ho 0083 (binder "EX " 10) consts 02ho 0145 (binder "\" 10) xsymbols 02ho 0150 (binder "\" 10) HTML 02ho 0155 (binder "? " 10) HOL Ex1......................('a => bool) => bool..........................02ho 0084 (binder "EX! " 10) consts 02ho 0146 (binder "\!" 10) xsymbols 02ho 0151 (binder "\!" 10) HTML 02ho 0156 (binder "?! " 10) HOL __25__ *}--{*----------------------------------- implies..................[bool, bool] => bool..........................02ho 0070 (infixr "-->" 25) axiomatization 02ho 0103 (infixr "\" 25) xsymbols iff......................[bool, bool] => bool..........................02ho 0113 (infixr "<->" 25) abbreviation 02ho 0117 (infixr "\" 25) xsymbols __30__ *}--{*----------------------------------- disj.....................[bool, bool] => bool..........................02ho 0080 (infixr "|" 30) consts 02ho 0102 (infixr "\" 30) xsymbols 02ho 0109 (infixr "\" 30) HTML __35__ *}--{*----------------------------------- conj.....................[bool, bool] => bool..........................02ho 0079 (infixr "&" 35) consts 02ho 0101 (infixr "\" 35) xsymbols 02ho 0108 (infixr "\" 35) HTML __40__ *}--{*----------------------------------- Not......................bool => bool..................................02ho 0077 ("~ _" [40] 40) consts 02ho 0100 ("\ _" [40] 40) xsymbols 02ho 0107 ("\ _" [40] 40) HTML __50__ *}--{*----------------------------------- eq.......................['a, 'a] => bool..............................02ho 0071 (infixl "=" 50) axiomatization 02ho 0090 (infix "=" 50) output not_equal................['a, 'a] => bool..............................02ho 0093 (infixl "~=" 50) abbreviation 02ho 0097 (infix "~=" 50) output 02ho 0104 (infix "\" 50) xsymbols 02ho 0110 (infix "\" 50) HTML *} section{* PRIORITY: 2012 PURE *} text{* From ~~/src/Pure/pure_thy.ML (* Title: Pure/pure_thy.ML Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen Pure theory syntax and further logical content. *) signature PURE_THY = sig val old_appl_syntax: theory -> bool val old_appl_syntax_setup: theory -> theory end; structure Pure_Thy: PURE_THY = struct val typ = Simple_Syntax.read_typ; val prop = Simple_Syntax.read_prop; val tycon = Lexicon.mark_type; val const = Lexicon.mark_const; (* application syntax variants *) val appl_syntax = [("_appl", typ "('b => 'a) => args => logic", Mixfix ("(1_/(1'(_')))", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_appl", typ "('b => 'a) => args => aprop", Mixfix ("(1_/(1'(_')))", [1000, 0], 1000))]; val applC_syntax = [("", typ "'a => cargs", Delimfix "_"), ("_cargs", typ "'a => cargs => cargs", Mixfix ("_/ _", [1000, 1000], 1000)), ("_applC", typ "('b => 'a) => cargs => logic", Mixfix ("(1_/ _)", [1000, 1000], 999)), ("_applC", typ "('b => 'a) => cargs => aprop", Mixfix ("(1_/ _)", [1000, 1000], 999))]; structure Old_Appl_Syntax = Theory_Data ( type T = bool; val empty = false; val extend = I; fun merge (b1, b2) : T = if b1 = b2 then b1 else error "Cannot merge theories with different application syntax"; ); val old_appl_syntax = Old_Appl_Syntax.get; val old_appl_syntax_setup = Old_Appl_Syntax.put true #> Sign.del_modesyntax_i Syntax.mode_default applC_syntax #> Sign.add_syntax_i appl_syntax; (* main content *) val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory (Sign.map_naming (Name_Space.set_theory_name Context.PureN) #> Old_Appl_Syntax.put false #> Sign.add_types_global [(Binding.name "fun", 2, NoSyn), (Binding.name "prop", 0, NoSyn), (Binding.name "itself", 1, NoSyn), (Binding.name "dummy", 0, NoSyn)] #> Sign.add_nonterminals_global (map Binding.name Syntax.basic_nonterms) #> Sign.add_syntax_i (map (fn x => (x, typ "'a", NoSyn)) Syntax.token_markers) #> Sign.add_syntax_i [("", typ "prop' => prop", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "logic => any", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "prop' => any", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "logic => logic", Delimfix "'(_')"), ("", typ "prop' => prop'", Delimfix "'(_')"), ("_constrain", typ "logic => type => logic", Mixfix ("_::_", [4, 0], 3)), ("_constrain", typ "prop' => type => prop'", Mixfix ("_::_", [4, 0], 3)), ("", typ "tid => type", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "tvar => type", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "type_name => type", Delimfix "_"), ("_type_name", typ "id => type_name", Delimfix "_"), ("_type_name", typ "longid => type_name", Delimfix "_"), ("_ofsort", typ "tid => sort => type", Mixfix ("_::_", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_ofsort", typ "tvar => sort => type", Mixfix ("_::_", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_dummy_ofsort", typ "sort => type", Mixfix ("'_()::_", [0], 1000)), ("", typ "class_name => sort", Delimfix "_"), ("_class_name", typ "id => class_name", Delimfix "_"), ("_class_name", typ "longid => class_name", Delimfix "_"), ("_topsort", typ "sort", Delimfix "{}"), ("_sort", typ "classes => sort", Delimfix "{_}"), ("", typ "class_name => classes", Delimfix "_"), ("_classes", typ "class_name => classes => classes", Delimfix "_,_"), ("_tapp", typ "type => type_name => type", Mixfix ("_ _", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_tappl", typ "type => types => type_name => type", Delimfix "((1'(_,/ _')) _)"), ("", typ "type => types", Delimfix "_"), ("_types", typ "type => types => types", Delimfix "_,/ _"), ("\\<^type>fun", typ "type => type => type", Mixfix ("(_/ => _)", [1, 0], 0)), ("_bracket", typ "types => type => type", Mixfix ("([_]/ => _)", [0, 0], 0)), ("", typ "type => type", Delimfix "'(_')"), ("\\<^type>dummy", typ "type", Delimfix "'_"), ("_type_prop", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("_lambda", typ "pttrns => 'a => logic", Mixfix ("(3%_./ _)", [0, 3], 3)), ("_abs", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("", typ "'a => args", Delimfix "_"), ("_args", typ "'a => args => args", Delimfix "_,/ _"), ("", typ "id_position => idt", Delimfix "_"), ("_idtdummy", typ "idt", Delimfix "'_"), ("_idtyp", typ "id_position => type => idt", Mixfix ("_::_", [], 0)), ("_idtypdummy", typ "type => idt", Mixfix ("'_()::_", [], 0)), ("", typ "idt => idt", Delimfix "'(_')"), ("", typ "idt => idts", Delimfix "_"), ("_idts", typ "idt => idts => idts", Mixfix ("_/ _", [1, 0], 0)), ("", typ "idt => pttrn", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "pttrn => pttrns", Delimfix "_"), ("_pttrns", typ "pttrn => pttrns => pttrns", Mixfix ("_/ _", [1, 0], 0)), ("", typ "aprop => aprop", Delimfix "'(_')"), ("", typ "id_position => aprop", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "longid_position => aprop", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "var => aprop", Delimfix "_"), ("_DDDOT", typ "aprop", Delimfix "..."), ("_aprop", typ "aprop => prop", Delimfix "PROP _"), ("_asm", typ "prop => asms", Delimfix "_"), ("_asms", typ "prop => asms => asms", Delimfix "_;/ _"), ("_bigimpl", typ "asms => prop => prop", Mixfix ("((3[| _ |])/ ==> _)", [0, 1], 1)), ("_ofclass", typ "type => logic => prop", Delimfix "(1OFCLASS/(1'(_,/ _')))"), ("_mk_ofclass", typ "dummy", NoSyn), ("_TYPE", typ "type => logic", Delimfix "(1TYPE/(1'(_')))"), ("", typ "id_position => logic", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "longid_position => logic", Delimfix "_"), ("", typ "var => logic", Delimfix "_"), ("_DDDOT", typ "logic", Delimfix "..."), ("_strip_positions", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("_position", typ "num_token => num_position", Delimfix "_"), ("_position", typ "float_token => float_position", Delimfix "_"), ("_position", typ "xnum_token => xnum_position", Delimfix "_"), ("_constify", typ "num_position => num_const", Delimfix "_"), ("_constify", typ "float_position => float_const", Delimfix "_"), ("_constify", typ "xnum_position => xnum_const", Delimfix "_"), ("_index", typ "logic => index", Delimfix "(00\\<^bsub>_\\<^esub>)"), ("_indexdefault", typ "index", Delimfix ""), ("_indexvar", typ "index", Delimfix "'\\"), ("_struct", typ "index => logic", Mixfix ("\\_", [1000], 1000)), ("_update_name", typ "idt", NoSyn), ("_constrainAbs", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("_position", typ "id => id_position", Delimfix "_"), ("_position", typ "longid => longid_position", Delimfix "_"), ("_position", typ "str_token => str_position", Delimfix "_"), ("_type_constraint_", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("_context_const", typ "id_position => logic", Delimfix "CONST _"), ("_context_const", typ "id_position => aprop", Delimfix "CONST _"), ("_context_const", typ "longid_position => logic", Delimfix "CONST _"), ("_context_const", typ "longid_position => aprop", Delimfix "CONST _"), ("_context_xconst", typ "id_position => logic", Delimfix "XCONST _"), ("_context_xconst", typ "id_position => aprop", Delimfix "XCONST _"), ("_context_xconst", typ "longid_position => logic", Delimfix "XCONST _"), ("_context_xconst", typ "longid_position => aprop", Delimfix "XCONST _"), (const "==>", typ "prop => prop => prop", Delimfix "op ==>"), (const Term.dummy_patternN, typ "aprop", Delimfix "'_"), ("_sort_constraint", typ "type => prop", Delimfix "(1SORT'_CONSTRAINT/(1'(_')))"), (const "Pure.term", typ "logic => prop", Delimfix "TERM _"), (const "Pure.conjunction", typ "prop => prop => prop", Infixr ("&&&", 2))] #> Sign.add_syntax_i applC_syntax #> Sign.add_modesyntax_i (Symbol.xsymbolsN, true) [(tycon "fun", typ "type => type => type", Mixfix ("(_/ \\ _)", [1, 0], 0)), ("_bracket", typ "types => type => type", Mixfix ("([_]/ \\ _)", [0, 0], 0)), ("_ofsort", typ "tid => sort => type", Mixfix ("_\\_", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_constrain", typ "logic => type => logic", Mixfix ("_\\_", [4, 0], 3)), ("_constrain", typ "prop' => type => prop'", Mixfix ("_\\_", [4, 0], 3)), ("_idtyp", typ "id_position => type => idt", Mixfix ("_\\_", [], 0)), ("_idtypdummy", typ "type => idt", Mixfix ("'_()\\_", [], 0)), ("_lambda", typ "pttrns => 'a => logic", Mixfix ("(3\\_./ _)", [0, 3], 3)), (const "==", typ "'a => 'a => prop", Infixr ("\\", 2)), (const "all_binder", typ "idts => prop => prop", Mixfix ("(3\\_./ _)", [0, 0], 0)), (const "==>", typ "prop => prop => prop", Infixr ("\\", 1)), ("_DDDOT", typ "aprop", Delimfix "\\"), ("_bigimpl", typ "asms => prop => prop", Mixfix ("((1\\_\\)/ \\ _)", [0, 1], 1)), ("_DDDOT", typ "logic", Delimfix "\\")] #> Sign.add_modesyntax_i ("", false) [(const "prop", typ "prop => prop", Mixfix ("_", [0], 0))] #> Sign.add_modesyntax_i ("HTML", false) [("_lambda", typ "pttrns => 'a => logic", Mixfix ("(3\\_./ _)", [0, 3], 3))] #> Sign.add_consts_i [(Binding.name "==", typ "'a => 'a => prop", Infixr ("==", 2)), (Binding.name "==>", typ "prop => prop => prop", Mixfix ("(_/ ==> _)", [2, 1], 1)), (Binding.name "all", typ "('a => prop) => prop", Binder ("!!", 0, 0)), (Binding.name "prop", typ "prop => prop", NoSyn), (Binding.name "TYPE", typ "'a itself", NoSyn), (Binding.name Term.dummy_patternN, typ "'a", Delimfix "'_")] #> Theory.add_deps_global "==" ("==", typ "'a => 'a => prop") [] #> Theory.add_deps_global "==>" ("==>", typ "prop => prop => prop") [] #> Theory.add_deps_global "all" ("all", typ "('a => prop) => prop") [] #> Theory.add_deps_global "TYPE" ("TYPE", typ "'a itself") [] #> Theory.add_deps_global Term.dummy_patternN (Term.dummy_patternN, typ "'a") [] #> Sign.add_trfuns Syntax_Trans.pure_trfuns #> Sign.local_path #> Sign.add_consts_i [(Binding.name "term", typ "'a => prop", NoSyn), (Binding.name "sort_constraint", typ "'a itself => prop", NoSyn), (Binding.name "conjunction", typ "prop => prop => prop", NoSyn)] #> (Global_Theory.add_defs false o map Thm.no_attributes) [(Binding.name "prop_def", prop "(CONST prop :: prop => prop) (A::prop) == A::prop"), (Binding.name "term_def", prop "(CONST Pure.term :: 'a => prop) (x::'a) == (!!A::prop. A ==> A)"), (Binding.name "sort_constraint_def", prop "(CONST Pure.sort_constraint :: 'a itself => prop) (CONST TYPE :: 'a itself) ==\ \ (CONST Pure.term :: 'a itself => prop) (CONST TYPE :: 'a itself)"), (Binding.name "conjunction_def", prop "(A &&& B) == (!!C::prop. (A ==> B ==> C) ==> C)")] #> snd #> Sign.hide_const false "Pure.term" #> Sign.hide_const false "Pure.sort_constraint" #> Sign.hide_const false "Pure.conjunction" #> Global_Theory.add_thmss [((Binding.name "nothing", []), [])] #> snd #> fold (fn (a, prop) => snd o Thm.add_axiom_global (Binding.name a, prop)) Proofterm.equality_axms)); end; *} end

...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\..... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\....... ...\...... ...\...... ...\....... ...\....... ...\...... ...\....... ...\...... ...\...... ...\...... ...\