(*DOC*)theory iI(*DOC*) imports Main begin section{* Jv Favorites *} (* --"INFO BEGIN==================================================================" --{*notation Trueprop("Tr") notation "prop"("Pr")*} declare[[show_brackets=true]] declare[[show_sorts=false]] declare[[names_long=false]] declare[[show_types=true]] declare[[names_unique=true]] declare[[show_consts=true]] --"INFO END--------------------------------------------------------------------" theorem show_info: "(True) = (True)" by(auto) thm show_info *) section{* Misc Help Commands *} (*help*) (*Lists the available commands.*) help section{* Show *} declare[[show_brackets=true]] (*sub-exprs will be parenthesized*) declare[[show_sorts=false]] (*show type & sort constraints for term vars*) declare[[show_types=true]] (*show type constraints for term vars*) declare[[names_long=false]] (*names_long, names_short*) declare[[names_unique=true]] (*names_unique*) declare[[show_consts=true]] (*show constants when displaying a goal state*) declare[[show_main_goal=true]](*main result to be proven is displayed*) declare[[show_abbrevs=true]] (*controls folding of constant abbreviations*) declare[[eta_contract=false]] (*Isa performs eta-contractions before printing*) declare[[goals_limit=100]] (*max subgoals to be shown*) declare[[show_hyps=true]] (*show implicit hypotheses of local facts*) declare[[show_tags=true]] (*extra annotations within theorems*) declare[[show_question_marks=true]](*question marks for schematic vars*) (*From ~~/NEWS syntax_ast_trace syntax_ast_stat syntax_ambiguity_level rule_trace thy_output_display thy_output_quotes thy_output_indent thy_output_source thy_output_break *) section{* Notation Tricks To Show Hidden Trueprop and prop *} (*notation Trueprop ("Tr")*) (*Will display the hidden Trueprop function globally.*) (*notation "prop" ("Pr")*) (*Will display the hidden prop function globally.*) (*write Trueprop ("Tr")*) (*Use like "notation", but in notepad.*) section{* Print Modes *} (*isabelle jedit -m brackets Start jEdit with print mode set to brackets*) (* brackets, Doesn't convert [|A;B|] ==> C|] in the goals. no_brackets, type_brackets, Control output of nested => (types) no_type_brackets iff Shows boolean equality as a double arrow. *) (*ISABELLE_JEDIT_OPTIONS In etc/settings gives default command line options.*) (*ML{*print_mode_value();*} List of currently active print mode names.*) section{* Inspecting The Current Context *} (*print_abbrevs prints all constant abbreviations of the current context*) (*print_attributes all attributes available in the current theory context*) (*print_binds term abbreviations present in the context*) (*print_bundles prints the named bundles that are available in the current context*) (*print_cases prints all local contexts of the current state*) (*print_claset prints the collection of rules declared to the Classical Reasoner*) (*print_classes prints all classes in the current theory.*) (*print_commands outer theory syntax, including keywords and command*) (*print_configs prints available config options, with names, types, and current values*) (*print_dependencies lists all locale instances for which interpretations would be added to the current context*) (*print_facts local facts of the current context, both named and unnamed*) (*print_induct_rules prints cases and induct rules for predicates (or sets) and types*) (*print_interps lists all interpretations of locale in the current theory or proof context*) (*print_locale prints the contents of the named locale; use ! to include notes*) (*print_locales prints the names of all locales of the current theory*) (*print_methods all proof methods available in the current theory context*) (*print_simpset prints the collection of rules declared to the Simplifier*) (*print_statement prints facts from the current theory or proof context in long statement form*) (*print_syntax prints the inner syntax of the current context*) (*print_theorems ! theorems resulting from the last command; ! for verbosity*) (*print_theory ! main logical content of theory context; ! for verbosity*) section{* Find Commands *} (*find_theorems facts from the theory or proof context matching criteria*) (*find_consts all constants whose type meets all of the given criteria Example: find_consts name: listT.Cons*) (*thm_deps ; visualizes dependencies of facts, using Isabelle's graph browser tool*) (*unused_thms displays all unused theorems in theories B1...Bn or their parents, but not in A1...Am or their parents.*) section{* Sledgehammer *} sledgehammer_params [provers = " e cvc3 metis smt spass z3 z3_tptp remote_e_sine remote_vampire ", slice=true, verbose=true, isar_proof=true, timeout=120] (*remote_e_tofof remote_leo2 remote_satallax remote_snark remote_waldmeister*) (* sledgehammer supported_provers metis smt alt_ergo dummy_thf e leo2 satallax spass spass_new spass_old vampire z3_tptp cvc3 z3 remote_e remote_e_sine remote_e_tofof remote_iprover remote_iprover_eq remote_leo2 remote_satallax remote_snark remote_vampire remote_waldmeister remote_z3_tptp remote_cvc3 remote_z3 *) end