theory i131216a__isaU_eq_is_not_assignment imports Complex_Main (*"../../../iHelp/i"*) begin (*SHOWING THAT "=" IS HOL.eq, RATHER THAN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ASSIGNMENT*) (* You're treating "=" as if it's assignment or definition, such as "val x = 1", but it's not, it's the application of the function HOL.eq::('a => 'a => bool), which has been axiomatized to have certain properties, such as substitution. The expression "f = (%a. a | f a)" is a statement of function equality, and the pertinent theorem is this: *) theorem "(f = g) <-> (!x. f x = g x)" by(rule fun_eq_iff) (* To prove your theorem wrong, I only need one function of type (bool => bool), and I choose (%x. True), with the result that "(%x. True) = (%a. a | (%x. True) a)" is True by fun_eq_iff. There are only two values, True and False, that need to be tested to determine whether (%x. True) is equal to (%a. a | (%x. True) a). Also, this shows that there's no recursion, unless for a particular f, f has been defined to be recursive. Here, it appears I've defined a recursive function named fix_f: *) function fix_f :: "bool => bool" where "fix_f a = (%x. x | fix_f x) a" by(auto) (* Of note is that the "=" used is still HOL.eq, which can be seen by cntl-clicking on it. You might think that "(fix_f True)" should return "(True | fix_f True)", where if HOL implements a short-circuited or, it would simplify to "True". You might think that "(fix_f False)" should be an infinite loop, because the first iteration will return "(False | fix_f False)", and so on, to infinity. You can try to use fix_f in theorems, but it's not usable because termination hasn't been proved. Your options for defining recursive functions are function, fun, and primrec, none of which will work for fix_f. The applicable documents are functions.pdf and isar-ref.pdf. *) function fix_g :: "bool => bool" where "fix_g a = (%x. x | fix_g x) a" by pat_completeness auto termination by lexicographic_order (*ERROR: Unfinished goal "1. False". Could not find lexicographic termination order.*) fun fix_h :: "bool => bool" where "fix_h a = (%x. x | fix_h x) a" (*ERROR: Same error as for "function".*) primrec fix_i :: "bool => bool" where "fix_i a = (%x. x | fix_i x) a" (*ERROR: primrec only defines functions that use datatype.*) (*********************************************************************) (*SHOWING THAT RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS DON'T GET "COMPUTED" AUTOMATICALLY*) (*********************************************************************) fun sumXp :: "nat => nat" where "sumXp 0 = 0" |"sumXp n = n + sumXp(n - 1)" find_theorems "sumXp" thm sumXp.simps (* Prints the simp rules created for sumXp: sumXp.simps(1), sumXp.simps(2) *) value "sumXp 4" (* The code generator prints the successor form of 10. Doing an import of "~~/src/HOL/Library/Code_Target_Nat" will print 10, but the fact that the successor form is being used is needed information here. *) theorem "sumXp 4 = 10" apply(simp) oops (* But simp here doesn't do any magic computation, even though sumXp.simps(1) and sumXp.simps(2) are automatically declared as simp rules. *) theorem "(!!f::(nat => nat). !!a. f = (%x. f x) ==> f a = a) ==> False" by(auto) (* EXAMPLE: This example, similar to yours, will be made concrete with sumXp. *) theorem "sumXp = (%x. sumXp x)" by(rule eta_contract_eq) (* Checking that the left-hand side will be true. *) theorem "sumXp = (%x. sumXp x) ==> sumXp 4 = 10" using[[simp_trace]] apply(simp) oops (* After simp is applied, the goal is "sumXp 4 = 10". The RHS hasn't been simplified any at all. Computations like this are a result of simp rule substitutions (rewriting), and simp rules are picky. *) theorem "sumXp = (%x. sumXp x) ==> sumXp (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))) = (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))))))))))" (* Happy simp rules make for happy computations... *) using[[simp_trace]] by(simp) (* means of rewriting. With the right form of natural numbers, the simp rules can compute what is needed to obtain the necessary "HOL.eq a b == True", the rewriting of which can be seen at the end of the simp trace. *) (*declare[[simp_trace]]*) value "sumXp 4" (* Going back, I'd like to see if simp_trace can tell me what simp rule "value" is using to compute `value "sumXp 4"`. It's using the function Num.nat_of_num, which cntl-clicking will take you to. It's also using a lot of other rewrite rules. *) term "nat_of_num" theorem "sumXp 4 = 10" apply(simp add: nat_of_num.simps) oops (* The message is that nat_of_num.simps are duplicate rewrite rules. It will be easier just to ask what needs to be done to be able to prove a theorem which uses an expression like "sumXp 4 = 10". *) (******************************************************************************) end